Monday, 6 February 2012

Video didn't kill the radio star. Sorry.

Ok, who ever said video killed the radio star was (although largely correct) stupid.

Let's use OK GO as an example. These dudes are a rock band. Plain and simple. They also make some of the coolest videos going around, admit it. You can look at it two ways: one as an inventive, time consuming and insanely cool video production; or as the best music videos going around.

"Here it Goes Again," the one with the big wrecking ball that played the entire song through a crash course  and now again with "Needing/Getting."

The story behind the clip is 4-months of prep work, 1000's of instruments, 4 days shooting, 4 dudes, a 2-mile stretch and 1 fucking sweet video.

Check it out!

OK GO - Needing/Getting


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