Thursday, 26 January 2012

Straya Day

"Marge, where the fuck are the lamingtons?" "Don't be fuckin silly Barry!"

It's Australia day and let's be frank, Frank. This is the day you change your name from Sunday-Rose (Aussie Golden Girl Nicole Kidman's daughters name) to something more australian like Marge, Barry, Gazza and Wazza and add "mate" wherever possible. 

Am I right mate? Sturth aye mate. #

Today is the day you pull out those things blazend with southern crosses (regardless of how stupid you think they are) in the name of Australia. Yep. It's also the day you drink to many beers, eat all sausages in sight and empty the sauce bottle before about 2 o'clock. Then you catch the end of the triple J hottest 100 and av a cuppa tea and fall asleep. 


Go and av a good one aye.* 


# Meaning: DO you agree with me friend? I sure do.  

* GO and listen to the Triple J hottest 100 in whatever way possible. Whether it be sitting on your toilet with your little hand held radio and the antenna poking out the window to get reception or taking the household radio hostage. 

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