Saturday, 7 January 2012

Alana Paterson

She shot her first roll at 13 just after she moved to the city from an island off the coast of Canada (note: solely inhabited by her and her family) and now has landed herself a spot on the Commune Artist team, shot collections for the likes of THE HUNDREDS, Norse, Polerstuff and HUF. What's next for Alana Paterson?
"I'd like to get a grant and work on my personal project about agriculture. I'm hoping someone at the government of Canada will read this and just give it to me cause I just really haven't been getting around to applying." 
Well Alana, we bloody hope someone reads this!

Here's what Alana had to say the other day when we gave her the ol' 5 Questions in 5 Minutes: 

D.C -  First things first, how did you get into photography? Nicked your family camera one day and started shooting or is there a funny anecdote behind it all?

Alana - Hm well I guess it was skateboarding that got me into it. The first slr roll I ever shot I was 13 I think. And I think I did it pretty much in order to hang out with the cooler dudes. Haha. I still shoot skating a bit but it got boring really quick for me.

D.C - You've gained a bit of a following the past year (what with The Hundreds collection, Commune, HUF and now Norse) so do you think there was a particular break for you? Or did you become an overnight success through planned myspace propaganda and youtube videos.

Alana - Well I guess making my website last year was something I really needed to do and made a big difference, so yeah kind of planned youtube propaganda. Also shooting the first story I did for Norse probably put me out there a little bit more. And getting on the Comune Artists team was rad.

Norse store S/S 11

D.C - We've never been on a family camping trip before, but for you growing up was like a permanent family getaway. Would you swap your childhood for say a suburban one, ever? Did you ever feel like you were missing out on anything?

Alana - Oh no way wouldn't trade it for anything. It was pretty well timed cause I moved permanently into the city when I was 12/13 so it was just before I hit the teenage shit storm

D.C -  Apart from your current project, is there anything you'd like to do next? Say, shoot a collection for someone like Stussy?

Alana - Oh for sure Stussy is on the list. I've been hassling them a bit. Ha. I'd like to get a grant and work on my personal project about agriculture. I'm hoping someone at the government of Canada will read this and just give it to me cause I just really haven't been getting around to applying.

D.C - And finally, what music blasted out of your room that pissed off your parents? 

Alana - Rap, they hated rap. and the louder you play rap the better it sounds.

Check out the rest of her work (because for obvious reasons we couldn't chuck it all up on here) on her website!


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